World Menopause Day is an internationally recognised event that was established in 2009 by the International Menopause Society in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO). World Menopause Day is held on 18th October. It aims to break taboo and improve women's health and wellbeing by raising awareness about the symptoms of menopause and the support options available. Each year there is a theme to shine a light on different topics surrounding the menopause. The theme for World Menopause Day 2024 is
Menopause Hormone Therapy, known in the UK as
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It's estimated that of the 33million people employed in the UK, nearly
6million of those are experiencing menopause. Menopause can have a huge impact on people's lives:
3 in 4 experience symptoms and
70% experience stress as a result. From a professional perspective, these people are often at the peak of their professional careers, yet
14% go part time and
10% actually leave work. For more information or how to get involved visit:
World Menopause Day - International Menopause Society (imsociety.org)