Our Team


Dr Ian Minay

Senior GP Partner (GMC: 3271779)

Dr Rajesh Bhateja

Practice GP Partner (GMC: 6047768)

Dr Sariyah Al-Hallao

General Practitioner (GMC: 7082218)

Dr Sinan Al-Khashab

General Practitioner (GMC: 7299639)

Dr Valdeep Dulay

General Practitioner (GMC: 7082188)

Dr Jacinta Iwuji

General Practitioner (GMC: 7554778)

Dr Mohamed Elmowafi

General Practitioner (GMC: 7731940)

GP Registrars

Our Registrars are fully-qualified Doctors who have chosen General Practice as the career they wish to pursue. They spend one year with us and are closely supervised by Doctors to ensure that they are able to provide care of the same standard as that provided by your Doctor.

Dr Elesha Vooght

GP Registrar (GMC 7596249)

Foundation Year Doctors

As part of our training commitment, we also have “FY2” Doctors in our surgeries. These Doctors are not yet fully qualified and join us typically for 3 months as part of their training rotation.

Dr Felon Mahrous

Foundation Year Doctor

Advanced Nurse Practitioners

ANPs are highly experienced and educated nurses who are able to assess, investigate, diagnose, and prescribe. They are healthcare professionals educated to Master’s level and have developed the skills and knowledge to allow them to take on expanded roles and scope of practice caring for patients and supporting GPs. They are autonomous in making decisions based on assessment, diagnosis and interpretation of test results. ANPs are able to independently prescribe appropriate medication, evaluate or refer to other specialists if necessary.

Rachael Guy-Hawthorne

Advanced Nurse Practitioner (NMC: 90I1188E)

Physician Associates

Physician Associates are medically trained, generalist healthcare professionals, who work alongside doctors and provide medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team. Physician associates are practitioners working with a dedicated medical supervisor, but are able to work autonomously with appropriate support.

Christopher Hill

Physician Associate

Clinical Pharmacist

Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks. The role is pivotal to improving the quality of care and ensuring patient safety. Having clinical pharmacists in GP practices means that GPs can focus their skills where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with more complex conditions. This helps GPs to manage the demands on their time.

Sarah Coffin

Clinical Pharmacist (GPC: 2043999)

Practice Nurses

Our Practice Nurses work closely with our Doctors and can offer advice on various health problems. They carry out adult and child immunisations, regular healthcare injections, wound care, contraceptive injections, cervical screening, simple and complex dressings.  They run specialist clinics for those with asthma, diabetes, heart and lung disease and hypertension, providing up to date life style and health advice and provide a high quality of care in chronic disease management.

Emma Fleming

Practice Nurse (NMC: 24D0638E)

Samantha McKie

Adult Mental Health Specialist Nurse (NMC: 20H0832E)

Katherine Milner

Practice Nurse (NMC: 21L0966E)

Jana Gjolla

Practice Nurse (NMC: 00L1266O)

Health Care Assistants

Our HCA's support our GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Nurses by performing general nursing duties such as changing dressings, removing stitches, taking blood samples, blood pressure monitoring, electrocardiogram tests (ECG), injections, new patient and carers health checks, NHS health checks, ear-syringing, simple injections, flu vaccinations and many more.

Claire H

Healthcare Assistant

Jayne H

Healthcare Assistant

Cesca T

Healthcare Assistant

Practice Staff

Lidia R

HR Personnel Support Officer

Andrew Clarke

Business Partner

Andrew Mckie

Operations Manager

Alison King

Communications & Patient Liaison Officer

Liz H

Clinical Rota Administrator

Secretarial Team

Allison J

Medical Secretary

Tracy P

Medical Secretary

Reception & Administration Team

Our Care Navigators have first contact with our patients. They are trained to give general advice, help and 'signposting' within the guidelines laid down by our Doctors and the Managers and operate within a strict code of confidentiality. The more detail you give them of your requirements, the better they will be able to provide advice on the service you will need. Care Navigators are a vital part of our team and will do their best to help you; please treat them with the same courtesy as you would your doctor.

Chloe-Hope F

Care Navigator

Jack I

Team Leader

Lucy K

Care Navigator

Jackie K

Care Navigator

Sophie K

Care Navigator

Tina T

Care Navigator

Prescriptions Team

Jackie D

Prescription Team Clerk

Kim H

Prescription Team Clerk

Sam P

Prescription Team Clerk

Patient Record Team

Services Team

Data Administration Team

Jane M

Document Management Clerk

Tracy I

Document Management Clerk